” As a Karibean Arawak woman and many mixtures,
I feel a deep call for ancestral native medicine such as Mayan abdominal massage, a technique shared by the Mayan brother who constantly traveled to this Ayiti Kisqueya territory that is now the Dominican Republic.
Likewise, use the herbal knowledge of this Ayiti territory, to support those who come to me, so that the plants help them heal “
What is Mayan Abdominal Massage?
Maya abdominal Massage is a Technique used mostly externally applied to the abdomen and pelvis . The Massage helps to realign the internal organs and relieve tensión in the diaphragm, improving organ function, releasing physical and emocional blocks or tension areas in the abdomen. In this way allowing the body to reestablish optimum health throughtout the whole body.
The Mayas believe that many human emotions are stored in the abdomen. They aren’t alone in that belief, as many culture focus on the abdomen as a source of healing and power. The Abdomen is also Home to three of the seven main chakras in kundalini Yoga. Mooladhara, Swadhisthana, and Manipura.
- Painful and irregular Periods and ovulación
- Dark, thick fluids at the beginning and end of menses
- Amenorrhea
- Headaches / Dizziness with meses
- Endometriosis
- Uterine polyps
- Ovarian cysts
- Vaginitis
- Uterine infections
- Hormonal imbalances
- Difficult Menopause
- Painful intercourse
- Infertility
- Difficult pregnancy And delivery
- Premature deliveries
- Week newborn infants
- Lower back ache
- Tired les, sobre heels, numb feet
- Varicose veins
- Chronic indigestión and hearburn
- Gastritis
- Frequent or painfull urination
- Bladder infecciones
- Recurring miscarriages
- Constipation
1 Mayan Massage
Location: Private Spa
Home Service: extra 10US$
No during menstruation
No IUD presence